Every Year! It starts in the spring when I enter the Intermountain Professional Photographers Association print competition. It is the beginning of the process that will lead to the International Photographic Competition (IPC). The process involves listening to feedback from the judges, wanting to rip your hair out sometimes when you hear their comments or see the score, editing and re-editing, then there is the expense. This year has been an exceptional year for me. I was awarded the IPPA Master Photographer of the Year 2021. Of the 6 Judge's Choice awards, I received 3 of them. It was unheard of! Normally those awards are divided out among more of the contestants, each winner receiving one award. I got the Best of Show and quite a few others. I did well in the American Society of Photographers first competition that followed and then it was on to district competition. When IPC was over I had received the awards you see in the photograph here. Now you would think a guy could take a break - wrong! I've got to come up with new images for 2022 and I only have 5 months to do it! With everything I have going these days I sometimes wonder why I do it. Obviously it it fun to get accolades, listen to your peers cheer for you, and the sort of thing. I once was awarded a $4.000 Camera from Canon! While all that is nice, and it certainly is, the most important thing about competition is the change it has made in the quality of my work. That change has made all the difference in what I offer to my clients and that is why I compete. If you want to know more about Ted York Photograph click here.