Ted's Cajon Pass
If you head down Interstate 15 to Southern California you will pass Barstow, Victorville, and Hesperia after which the freeway starts down a steep grade leading to San Bernardino. That canyon that leads into the Los Angeles basin is known as Cajon (pronounced "kahone) Pass. The Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe railroad ran through the pass along with what would become the storied Route 66. I became enamored with the pass some 21 years ago and decided to model the railroad as it was during the late nineteen forties and early nineteen fifties. It has been a marvelous journey sparking an interest in history and introducing me to great friends. Some of them actually worked on the railroad, others are fellow modelers, some who model the pass, some who just love trains. My railroad has been visited by people from South Africa to Australia. Some of my friends are television and movie stars, others are artists, magazine editors, computer programmers, a city manager, CEO's, pilots, a submarine captain, the list goes on. The railroad has been filmed by PBS's Tracks Ahead, and Salt Lake's Channel 4's Worth Watching. Some people just liked to look, others contributed knowledge and ideas, but they have all had and impact on my life and my modest version of "Cajon Pass."
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